Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Wednesday Night Wing Jam! BE THERE!!!

Tomorrow night, at the JamZone HQ. 9:00. RSVP in the comments section so King knows exactly how many chickens to kill and what size vat of blue cheese to buy.


At 12:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ranch, please.

Can we fry some other stuff too?

I've a hankering for mushrooms and jalapeno poppers.

At 12:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh brandy...

You'll never realize the total jam with your insistence for Ranch. Although the sneaky call for poppers gives me faith, my fellow upstairs jammer....

I'm going to the store tomorrow after work to get supplies. Probably end up stealing most of the stuff. Can you piacture that? Me dashing down the freezer aisle, with cornerback speed, two cartons of frozen poppers under each arm??

Of course you can.

At 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ranch is arguably the lesser of the two jam dressings but still a sauce to be jammed. Count me in. I might not go as hard as say 73 WINGS but I will still BE THERE with at least 20.

Bleu cheese for me please and some fried taters no doubt.

At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am in. i will jam wings, mushrooms, and jalapeno poppers. i'll have worked up a mighty appetite by that point, so i'm going to jam out with my clam out.

who is this mystery jammer, you ask? well, i'll give you a clue: "jam" is part of my first name. i was born for this, baby.

At 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually don't need Ranch for My Jam. I will use either Mayo or Melted Cheese for dipping.

At 1:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brandy that is the spirit!!!

Jam on anything possible!!!

Meanwhile, today's lunch jam included a country-style Thai beef curry. Doubled up the entrees (why not?) with a basil noodle stir fry. Went down well with a tall thai iced tea, and orange slices...

At 1:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am disgusted by the sight and smell of blue cheese. Just as King cannot stand to see Grape and I whipping up soy sausage bombs in the mornings, I am horrified that people eat shet blue cheese. Of course, unlike King, I will not disparage y'all's affinity for the sapphire-veined stink blobs. Jam whatever Jams Best for You. BYOJ. Don't even ask what that stands for.

At 2:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am proud of us gentlemen. Opening up a forum to discuss the jam. If I may add, BYOJ as Brandy so eloquently introduced stands for "Be Your Own Jam." All of you out there should strive to understand that searching for the eternal jam, starts with looking inward and seeing what jam might suit you the best. To reach Zen Jam, you must align quantity of jam with quality of jam with thee self.
Take for example, bleu cheese. Brandy doesn't care for bleu cheese. This neither detracts nor adds to the jamness of bleu cheese. I personally think bleu cheese is the MFin' Jam but the true jamness of the bleu cheese is ultimately a spiritual jam for me, my mouth, and the delightful wing said condiment wraps in a glorious glow of bleu. Brandy however, being a zen jammer, would not dismiss my beautiful bleu as a non-jam but recognize the powerful and intensely personal aspect this jam has for me. The jam, my friends, is much more powerful than any of us combined. The sooner we recognize the beauty and awesome power of the jam, the closer we call come to the Ultimate Jam. But I digress, a topic I will discuss at length soon enough.

At 2:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a beautiful Jam out there.

At 2:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the path of the righteous jam is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.


At 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why aren't all you Jammers fat as cows? I can hardly get my mind around that jammy-jam.


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